Mikhail Krilov
Mikhail Krilov
  • 6
  • 36 939
Revisionists in the intellectual world - Dr David R Hawkins
Formerly Dr and now Sir David R. Hawkins in this insightful and important message uncovers one of the roots of what could now be infiltrating the Western modern world through Education, Politics, Media and other areas of Western life.
Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. (1927-2012), was director of The Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc., and founder of the Path of Devotional Non-duality. His journey began with a 'death experience' and return to life when he froze to death momentarily as a child. He was renowned for pioneering researcher in the field of consciousness as well as an author, lecturer, clinician, physician, and scientist. He served as an advisor to Catholic and Protestant churches, and Buddhist monasteries; appeared on major network television and radio programs. He also lectured widely at such places as Westminster Abbey, the Oxford Forum, the University of Notre Dame, and Harvard University. His life was devoted to the evolution of mankind's consciousness until his death in 2012.
Dr/Sir David R Hawkins works and intellectual properties are reserved by Veritas Publishing and the Noetic Insitute. Please support his incredibly important works and purchase his lectures and books today!
Переглядів: 79


Alan Watts on Tao Teh Ching - Swimming Headless
Переглядів 255 місяців тому
In this lecture by Alan Watts, known as “Swimming Headless,” psychological aspects of Taoist philosophy and its emphasis on cultivating the mental discipline are discussed, as interpreted by Alan Watts. Tao Teh Ching is an insightful text and encouraged to be read, interpreted in some cases as a poem on 'the way of life, 'book of the way' or 'the art of war'. Alan Wilson Watts was an English wr...
A Warning To The West - An Interview with Yuri A Bezmenov
Переглядів 385 місяців тому
In this 1984 interview, Yuri Bezmenov proposes Marxist strategies that may be used to indoctrinate and invade Western Nations through infiltration of academia, media and a variety of influential areas of Western Society. Though these strategies may have evolved and adapted to the modern age, his warnings have an uncanny resemblance to modern day societal disruptions. Is what he proposed then, n...
The End of The World - A talk by Father Seraphim Rose
Переглядів 2,9 тис.7 місяців тому
A speech by Father Seraphim Rose in which he speaks about signs which are being fulfilled in our times, which point to the end of the world. He refers to Aleksandr Solzhinetsyn's Harvard Address, which can also be viewed on this channel discribing these events, and the fragility of Western Civilization. Hieromonk Father Seraphim Rose (Formerly known in his youth as Eugene Dennis Rose; August 13...
Floating disc in the sky
Переглядів 2,1 тис.Рік тому
I noticed a black thing in the sky, which looked distant but large, and was hovering for a while. Christchurch, NZ. Thought it might be some trash or a weather balloon, but moved around, and looks like a floating disc thing? Any suggestions? This was caught on my phone camera 21/12/2023
Harvard Address by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - 'A World Split Apart' (English Reading)
Переглядів 32 тис.6 років тому
On June 8 - 1978 Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn delivered this commencement address at Harvard University. This is my reading of the transcription, for those of you who are interested in hearing it in English, without any other sounds; The late Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn contributed greatly to our world, enduring great suffering for what he believed in. He was able to express his thoughts and ideas brillia...


  • @unmagar
    @unmagar 3 дні тому

    rose is a deceiver and heretic, much like origenus, but more advanced. This one is a homosexual, never baptized Orthodox but deceiving and using the image of a genuine Saint (Saint John Maximovici) do deceive people to believe he is Orthodox. A homosexual cannot ever be an Orthodox Priest. On the other hand, there is no Priesthood without the Orthodox Baptism . It is easy to see that rose was the priest of the devil. That is why he also died like Arius In The Church, we have the teachings of the Holly Fathers. Their teachings are pure water. What rose is giving you is poisoned water.

  • @andrewmunchkin7212
    @andrewmunchkin7212 11 днів тому


  • @halhal-my4pt
    @halhal-my4pt 13 днів тому

    India is not a real country and is a byproduct of British Raj. It is destined to be divided into more pieces which is its natural state prior the British arrived. Gandhi lied and conjured the concept of "Bharat". British United them not any Indians. Also India have stolen lands from their landlocked neighbors like Nepal which they will demand it back as soon as they get stronger. Their pride is different as they were never colonized like the rest of the Indian region.

  • @lukasmiller486
    @lukasmiller486 2 місяці тому

    “Let us be more concerned with human obligations rather than human rights.”

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 місяці тому

      Yes! Thanks for highlighting this. An important point, which seems unaccounted for by many today

  • @susanralph274
    @susanralph274 2 місяці тому

    carl jung did a backfire writing the golden flower i ching secret because it gave the commees the easy way of torturing them and now us

  • @susanralph274
    @susanralph274 2 місяці тому

    if they are against 'old fashioned' then we must by all means take on "old fashioned' in every way. he is correct in that it is fairy tales of lawlessness that pretends to be orderly

  • @susanralph274
    @susanralph274 2 місяці тому

    the 'workers' are the 'people' in their language...the flying monkeys and they are Narcissus

  • @susanralph274
    @susanralph274 2 місяці тому

    28:46 Charles Fourier worth investigation for crazee ness

  • @thattimestampguy
    @thattimestampguy 2 місяці тому

    *The End of The World* 0:01 The feeling that time is running out. 2 Milenniums. (Y2K, End of the world). 0:46 It doesn't mean anything because we don't know the day or the hour when the end. 1:01 Protestant Sectarians do this, claiming definite ideas of when the end will be. 1:17 Also Secular Philosophers do this too. *Alexander Solzhenitsyn on Communism* 1:23 Alexander Solzhenitsyn speaks to America on the depths of the crisis going on in the world. *What should the Orthodox Christian do about this End of The World?* 4:18 5:07 Our Savior answered this question. 5:45 The Destruction of Jerusalem and The Temple - Beware of Deception - Wars, Famines, Earthquakes 6:18 - Persecutions of Christians - Growing Cold of Love 6:44 - Terrible Tribulations - Abomination, Desolation 7:07 - False Christs - Great Signs and Wonders 7:27 - Stars will fall from Heaven 8:07 + Preparing for the coming of The Anti-Christ 8:35 The 5 Foolish and The 5 Wise Virgins. 8:53 Parable of The Talents. *St Paul on The End of The World* 10:24 St Paul 10:50 St John on The End of The World 11:07 Apostle Peter 11:31 End of The World by Fire. *Unseen Warfare, expecting Christ's Coming into our soul* 12:13 Unseen Warfare. 12:39 Don't try to calculate when Christ will come. Don't do it. 13:17 Don't go overboard. 14:27 The Reign of Christ and His Saints is happening now in His Church. *History* 16:27 The coming of a great world crisis. 17:14 Back to the Great Schism 1054. The Mainstream of Apostasy. 18:10 Worldly Ideas of Church Government. 18:45 Indulgences produced The Protestant Reformation. 19:15 The Age of Enlightenment, basing life on Reason and Common Sense. 19:50 If Rome did not apostatize, the world would be different. *The Mystery of Lawlessness* 20:36 The Mystery of Lawlessness is already at work. 21:05 Ex. In Modern Art. Lawless Art. Blocks upon a canvas. It's not serious art. 22:17 Ex. Modern Music. 23:27 Ex. Lawlessness in Clergy. 23:53 Looting and Havok after the loss of electricity for a few hours. 24:50 The Mystery of Lawlessness and The Mystery of Righteousness. *Communism* 25:30 Lawlessness in Politics and Government. Communism. 26:35 Communism holds together by Terror. _Gulag Archipelago._ 27:15 Economic Failure of Communism. 33:23 Vague ideas. *The Present State of Jews in Israel* 33:53 Jerusalem. 34:51 The World Capital of The World Empire. Peace, Brotherhood, Harmony. 35:35 Many young Jews are being converted to Christianity. The Jews will be restored to Christianity. *Who is Anti-Christ?* 36:33 Austrian Painter, Stalin? 37:16 Imitator of Christ. 37:41 With all power and signs and wonders. 38:03 Showing great signs and wonders. 38:24 False Miracles. 41:35 ESP. Telepathy. Faith Healing. 42:05 Experiments. Seances. 42:51 Bending Spoons. 43:14 The Phenomena occurring are quite real. 43:35 All of these are signs of occult spiritual attitudes. 44:05 The Charismatic Movement. Believe they are seeing the outpouring of The Holy Spirit. *Luke 8:18* 44:43 Most Christians will follow Anti-Christ. 45:24 Christians must be prepared for negative signs. *Positive Signs of Anti-Christ* 45:40 Christians must be prepared for positive signs. 46:30 African Conversion to Orthodox Christianity. 47:28 Orthodoxy in Russia after Communism. 49:23 Spirituality with suffering. Hope. 50:05 The People have survived the Communist Prison Camps. *Question & Answer* 52:27 Naturally Religious Behaviors. Man wants to worship something higher. 53:57 Are you worshiping the True God or a false god? 54:29 Bowing down to an idol is not going to save ones soul. 56:00 Julian The Apostate's temple would not be built. 57:19 Elijah will speak to The Jews. 58:14 Roman Catholic Priest's healing service. Looks like a comedy routine. 59:09 Anti-Christ's Church, World Council of Churches. 59:46 Least-Common-Denomiator Diety. 1:03:02 There are different kinds of ends in a country. 1:05:44 The Government "Stamp on the hand." 1812 in Russia. 1945 in Germany. 1:06:55 The Number of The Beast on the right hand and the forehead. 1:07:53 The Rapture. 1:11:44 Authority, going along with the times. 1:13:37 Science Fiction. 1:19:32 Beware of Instant Comfort. Beware of anything that produces passivity. + Say prayers + Say prayers from the prayer books + Attend Church + Venerate Icons *Francis of Assisi* 1:23:09 Francis of Assisi, 100 years after The Great Schism. He was sick, he ate meat, whipped himself, showing off himself, prideful, demonic. 1:24:57 Element of Deception in Francis of Assisi. *Christ is Risen From The Dead.* 1:27:46 Christ is Risen From The Dead.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 місяці тому

      Wow! Thank you so much for breaking this down in time stamps! Much appreciated. I'll pin your comment. It is indeed troubling and many have normalized a cold heart and secular nature. I have actually recited Aleksandr's Harvard speech on my channel too in case you are interested, as the original audio was sabotaged on the day (according to one commenter who was an audio technician that day). I believe the date is around 2030 where things reveal. Though we cannot despair, for the Lord is near us. Thanks again for your effort on this! Many blessings 🙏

  • @charlesharkin2165
    @charlesharkin2165 4 місяці тому

    Americans found the truth impossible for them to hear nothing much has been learned and never will .

  • @Shotzeethegamer
    @Shotzeethegamer 4 місяці тому


  • @HenryCasillas
    @HenryCasillas 6 місяців тому


  • @noshirm6285
    @noshirm6285 6 місяців тому


  • @georgiaworsdale1598
    @georgiaworsdale1598 6 місяців тому

    Awesome video

  • @scoon2117
    @scoon2117 7 місяців тому

    This is how knowledge is preserved. The original recording is dog shit.

  • @SatelliteYL
    @SatelliteYL 7 місяців тому

    Thank you for this reading, I found the original recording quite difficult to listen to with both the Russian and English simultaneously…

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 7 місяців тому

      Thank you for your comment! Yes, this is what motivated my reading of his speech. One commenter even proposes that the audio technician who was anti his message purposely sabotaged the audio balancing on the day of the speech!

  • @kathyckinford5544
    @kathyckinford5544 Рік тому

    Thank you so much for translating this into English.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 11 місяців тому

      Thanks Kathy! I didn't do the translating, just the reading :) but the message remains, a great Writer and Wise man he was!

  • @claytonmurray4328
    @claytonmurray4328 Рік тому


  • @friendly68whiskey26
    @friendly68whiskey26 Рік тому

    good catch dude!

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Yeah, just by chance! I was actually looking up on the walk because of the strange clouds in the other direction then this thing was just sitting there then started moving on! And thanks! I wish i had DSLR with a zoom lens by chance at the time too haha

  • @bearclaus2676
    @bearclaus2676 Рік тому

    From a massive chrome football that arced like it had millenium falcon thrusters then shot into space over a populated city, a triangular shaped craft with bright lights underneath it, at night, I'd seen stars actually brighten and then move slightly. I've seen strange lights whilst driving in the country at night. There are always signs. Different shapes and sizes, there must be more than one species visiting us.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Yeah! So many people in densely populated cities just wouldn't probably see it right? I noticed in the bigger cities that light pollution really affects visibility in the skies

    • @bearclaus2676
      @bearclaus2676 Рік тому

      @@MikhailKrilov the chrome football was at midday. Unsure how many people observed it, no report on the news, it was a clear day and obvious. It wasnt small because it was some distance away. A blue light formed around one side, then woosh, at this incredible speed it rocketed into space.

    • @bearclaus2676
      @bearclaus2676 Рік тому

      @@MikhailKrilov ua-cam.com/video/ciqHeX8LyG8/v-deo.htmlsi=qAI9APYZFXMOsR9y

  • @mrmatt7109
    @mrmatt7109 Рік тому

    Well caught!! So lucky. Where abouts in Christchurch was this? I also live in Riccarton Christchurch.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Yeah i was visiting in that area! just walking down the road near the uni? Strange right?? People say it's a baloon but i don't get how it can be so flat and move like that, must have been size of a plane maybe?

    • @mrmatt7109
      @mrmatt7109 Рік тому

      Yeah Uni is very close to me here. I sometimes work as a contractor at the Ilam Road entrance at the uni@@MikhailKrilov That aint any Balloon that's for sure. I really wanna capture something like that myself. Congrats. You did it!!

  • @bendingwarrior1
    @bendingwarrior1 Рік тому

    The movement is the same described by that US pilot! Its kind of oscillating. Incredible!!!

  • @Chris-CardVault
    @Chris-CardVault Рік тому

    Where is this? What country?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      It is in NZ as per the title. The experts and news said it was unsure, and couldn't confirm of any known drone that looks like this, but who knows? There is laws around airspace with that sort of thing and they are very strict, so it would be unusual device... Atmospherics said it wasn't their weather equiptment

  • @karaperrio-du5gs
    @karaperrio-du5gs Рік тому

    Well it does not move like a balloon, funny shape for one as well, a drone is a possibility, I hear no noise, the odd movements like a leaf falling to earth have been seen before see the Holloman air base ufo military released 8 second video, interesting

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Oh interesting! Thanks. Yeah it was strange, my first thought was parachute or some debris, but it was moving around on its own and wasn't falling, just kind of hovering and maneuvering which was cool to watch then just kept going and didn't seem to care to be seen if it was a UFO

    • @AlexGarciaTheOne
      @AlexGarciaTheOne Рік тому

      It does look disc shaped though , if you look closely or zoom in you can kind of see a hole in the middle, it’s moving very strangely to be a drone regardless with everything going on only time will tell.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      @@AlexGarciaTheOne yeah super strange movement right? I think it was just cool to see, i watched it for quite a while because i was just automatically assuming it was some junk or something, but quite startling to witness!. And yeah you're right I think!

  • @AlexGarciaTheOne
    @AlexGarciaTheOne Рік тому

    That’s insane man.

  • @gus-reed
    @gus-reed Рік тому

    wow interesting footage, it almost looks like something half visible is orbiting it. maybe that's the antigravity or antimatter propulsion system?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Yeah strange huh!? Maybe? Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell (ofc) were discussing something like this recently in a podcast ha!

    • @NorThenX047
      @NorThenX047 Рік тому

      its your camera trying to focus , nothing more sadly. nice footage and good of you to spot it but..ive flown a lot of RC and it moves like an RC the way it wobbles forward and side to side Likely someone getting footage

  • @missr4233
    @missr4233 Рік тому

    Lucky. I'm in Aus and I've never seen a UFO before. Would love to one day

    • @bearclaus2676
      @bearclaus2676 Рік тому

      Mate, keep looking up. They're there, but beware. When gazing into the abyss.....

    • @missr4233
      @missr4233 Рік тому

      @@bearclaus2676 I’ve been watching the sky a lot more lately… day and night… one day I will see one!

    • @bearclaus2676
      @bearclaus2676 Рік тому

      @@missr4233my great aunt and uncle had a farm in northern Vic. Back in the 60s, this occurred, i believe. One night, she arrived home late. And usually when she drove up to the homestead, the dogs and animals would make a song and dance. This night, it was deaf quiet. She went inside, and there was no power. She went to the kitchen with its window facing to see as far as you could down the back paddock. There, she observed a light. All of a sudden, it flew vertically into space at incredible speed. The next day, my Uncle and Pa went to survey the area. There was a large circle left in the grass where my aunt observed the light, the grass had been burnt/singed.

  • @robertj6175
    @robertj6175 Рік тому

    Wow, that was so cool! You’re so lucky you got to see it!

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Fascinating right? The thing that made me film it was i realised after staring at it a while it wasn't just something identifiable! I was like OH I get to witness a UFO! I bet anyone else who actually saw something would also be surely at least open to the possibilities. Interesting to speculate what it could be right?

  • @DataJYdocs
    @DataJYdocs Рік тому


  • @priyadelana1626
    @priyadelana1626 Рік тому

    Hey can you descibe how this ended? Did it eventually disappear?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Yeah it just kept on flying toward the South and eventually into the distance. I filmed it enough I think, then went home and then checked again and it became smaller and smaller as it went further south into cloud! Strange indeed! Joe Rogan and Duncan Trussell mentioned some tech that would explain it in the latest JRE podcast, which was interesting as it would explain the motion very well. Pretty cool to witness whatever it was!

  • @priyadelana1626
    @priyadelana1626 Рік тому

    Get in touch with UFOCUS NZ

  • @abbye7932
    @abbye7932 Рік тому

    Thank you for your English reading of this great Solzhenitsyn speech!!

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment, so glad it was of value to you 😊🙏

    • @abbye7932
      @abbye7932 Рік тому

      It brings it to life way better than just reading it myself, it is much appreciated!

  • @markrusso8546
    @markrusso8546 Рік тому

    He would not be allowed to speak at Harvard today

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      That's right. Harvard took on NZ's worst PM in history who made shocking calls against human rights. She was also a Communist romanticist. Harvard was rated one of the worst in the world on Free Speech even by their own metrics! Thanks for commenting

    • @redbullsauberpetronas
      @redbullsauberpetronas Рік тому

      He wouldn't be allowed to speak anywhere, the tribe would never allow it

    • @MaryC-co8fm
      @MaryC-co8fm 10 місяців тому

      @@redbullsauberpetronas No they wouldn't.

  • @donthesheek
    @donthesheek Рік тому

    The words Jesus spoke in the Sermon on the mount, Mathew chapter 5 must go hand in hand with freedom.

  • @doloresparlato
    @doloresparlato Рік тому

    Very helpful to hear this today as I try to live in a manner that honors how I have been invited to fill up the unique place in this world that is mine, always determined in the context of a dialogue with the Divine. Hard to let myself be stripped of material comfort, simplification of life is necessary for the spiritual life Solzhenitsyn speaks of.

  • @deborah3912
    @deborah3912 Рік тому

    thank you very much, we can see now what he said about the West has come true, have mercy on us LORD

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov Рік тому

      Thanks for your message Deborah! Please have hope, there is many who share and recognize these wise brave hero's and we seem to be blessed with them in each era. All the best and blessings 🙏

  • @comment3711
    @comment3711 2 роки тому

    Incredibly prescient speech. Thanks!

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      Thanks for your comment! His words are very wise! 🙏

  • @larry1824
    @larry1824 2 роки тому

    Can't think of an American politician in last five decades with this mans courage conviction and writing ability.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      Agreed! Where are the courageous and inspiring leaders??

    • @larry1824
      @larry1824 2 роки тому

      @@MikhailKrilov murdered or just scared I think and I mean both sides

  • @raystargazer7468
    @raystargazer7468 2 роки тому

    I subscribed so you have 1 k subs xD

  • @angelinab6079
    @angelinab6079 2 роки тому

    The fact that this was shared 3 years ago and only has 500ish views is reflective of exactly what he speak upon!

  • @justinw2232
    @justinw2232 2 роки тому

    Much love!

  • @bilicvit
    @bilicvit 2 роки тому

    thank you for the gift, Nicholas! Job well done!

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      Thank you! It is my pleasure to transport his message 🙏

  • @dman9834
    @dman9834 2 роки тому

    Thank you very much for this 👍

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      You're most welcome! It's great so many appreciate Mr Solzhinetsyn's message! Thank you 🙏

  • @AudioPervert1
    @AudioPervert1 2 роки тому

    I wonder what Solzhenitsyn would feel or write about the eventual collapse of the USSR. Only to be replaced by another set of vicious oligarchs. Putin the Gas Czar (Thug) is but so small when we see the history of terror ordened by Lenin, Stalin and thousands of communist watchdogs (The Gulag Archipelago). About 66 million russians were killed by other Now at it again killing Ukranians

    • @goatface6602
      @goatface6602 2 роки тому

      The USA government forced Putin’s hand there.

    • @valhalla9688
      @valhalla9688 2 роки тому

      Did the USSR collapse?

    • @robertjarman4261
      @robertjarman4261 2 роки тому

      Loony more than pervert.

    • @redbullsauberpetronas
      @redbullsauberpetronas Рік тому

      Why are you completely ignoring the Western backed oligarchs that destroyed Russia in the 90's? You just want to dominate the world

  • @kaiyim9167
    @kaiyim9167 2 роки тому

    Nicholas, anyway I can get a copy of this?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      You are welcome to share the link, or use the link to the video on the internet :) i'm not sure how else sorry! Good luck!

    • @kaiyim9167
      @kaiyim9167 2 роки тому

      Thank you very much for this I must have listened to this 10 times already and I would like the rumble audience to also have access to this. Any chance you can load it there also?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 2 роки тому

      @@kaiyim9167 Thank you, i am so glad this is of value to you. It is especially relevant with today's events. It is now available for you on Rumble. Thank you 🙏

    • @kaiyim9167
      @kaiyim9167 2 роки тому

      Thank you very much truthful kind and wise brother

  • @prayunceasingly2029
    @prayunceasingly2029 3 роки тому

    He was a Christian. I believe he became a Christian after realizing he lived in an empty and tyrannically wicked system. He was once in the Red Army and an enthusiastic communist.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 3 роки тому

      Yes that is right! Communists hate Christians because they are protected from the Red Terror. Thank you for your comment Pray! Thanks to Solzhinetsyn's realisation of the Truth, he was able to free himself 🙏

  • @3ittybittypiggiesstorytime547
    @3ittybittypiggiesstorytime547 3 роки тому

    Solzhenitsyn said "Veritas." For Truth and thus Liberty you must Question and verify all authority or become enslaved by them. The Truth WILL set you free. The press here is now a state appointed function. How long till this address is $en$ored?

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 3 роки тому

      Exactly! Dr David R Hawkins mentions in his lectures and a book that 'mankind has been at war for over 90% of history, now that physical violence has been transcended in many areas, words are the weapon of choice, as we saw with communist propaganda, subversion' to paraphrase. Thanks for visiting the talk. I'll work on clarity!

  • @MeMikeD
    @MeMikeD 3 роки тому

    Thank You!! -This is a treasure.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 3 роки тому

      Thanks for your comment. I'm pleased you found this of value!

  • @MrRightNow
    @MrRightNow 3 роки тому

    Remember when Harvard used to welcome anti-communist speakers? Fast forward to 2021 and only pro-communist speakers are welcome now

  • @SY-jq4yw
    @SY-jq4yw 3 роки тому

    The northeastern elites could not accept his speech to their own peril. Pity on them.

    • @MikhailKrilov
      @MikhailKrilov 3 роки тому

      Yes, you're right! Of course he was exiled initially from his homeland also at the time, with his very unpopular truths/counter to the USSRs narrative at the time. One of many events that lead to his defection to the US and this very speech!